Oasis Church – Biblical Citizenship (Seven Mountain Ministry)

DateCheck-InClass Times
4/06/20247:30 a.m.8:00 a.m.-noon
4/13/20247:45 a.m.8:00 a.m.-noon
4/20/20247:45 a.m.8:00 a.m.-noon
4/27/20247:45 a.m.8:00 a.m.-noon

Satan has been working hard to distort the image of God in the Earth by corrupting these 7 aspects of culture that shape every nation. As citizens of the Kingdom of God and citizens of Earth, it is time to restore God’s true image, Biblical values, and liberty in all of these aspects of society, at the local level and beyond! This requires a clear understanding of biblical principles and how to apply them in the ecclesia to influence our culture for the GOOD.

Great for ages 10 and up! In this 4-day, 8-session course, you will:

-Learn strategies for victory on each of these mountains.
-Learn how our nation’s Founders relied on their Biblical worldview to secure the blessings of liberty, as we study the Declaration of independence and our nation’s Constitution.
-Be inspired, equipped, anointed, and commissioned to partner with Jesus and put your faith into action at such a time as this!

Cost: $30 (Includes workbook, and resource packet–BYO snacks)

Oasis Church | 3445 Gateway Drive | Eau Claire | WI | 54703

Register online at oasischurchec.org/events or through the Oasis Church Center app.